Sunday, December 28, 2008

Christmas and Pregnant!

Merry Christmas!! We had a fabulous Christmas. The girls are at a fun age everything is so magical and such a surprise. I love the wonder that kids have. Its fun to just watch them be so overwhelmed with everything that they received. They had the elves visit for the 12 days and every morning they could not wait to check their sock to see what they got. Genna would say some of the cutest things..."oh that is just what I wanted." "oh my gosh, I'm going to have to thank Santa and the elves, oh my gosh." She was so cute. They both loved Christmas morning and couldn't get enough of everything they got. I think for me Christmas is much more fun when you have little ones. I think at times I was more excited than they were. I couldn't sleep Christmas eve. I'll post pics and maybe a video later if its not too long. We also went to Temple Square and that was a fun night. We rode Trax into downtown and that was the highlight for the girls. We got to the lights and walked around for about a half hour and got back on the train. I had to laugh because the majority of our night was spent on Trax. It took about 45 min. each way. When we got back to Sandy we ate at Five Guys. I would reccommend that to anyone! Fabulous hamburgers! We had a really good time.
And surprise to all who don't know we are pregnant! I'm so excited! Even though we were trying and Andrew knew it was coming it always takes him a bit longer to not be shocked and be excited. But he is excited too! We are only 7 weeks and my first doctors appt is tomorrow. I haven't been too sick but most days I'm nauseated all day. Sometimes I wish I could just throw up and move on but instead I walk around with an upset stomach all day. But I'm not going to complain, I signed up for this and it could be A LOT worse. I've already had cravings....OJ, hamburgers, sausage, bacon.... I hope all had a fabulous Christmas and you have a great New Year!!


Angie said...

Wow! Congrats! Thanks for telling me....hehe! Hope you get your boy!
Glad you had a great Christmas too.

Vala said...

Sounds like a fun season with the fam! I am really excited about you being pregnant, too! Our kiddos will only be a few short months apart! Yay! I hope you start feeling a bit better.

trishanna said...

congrats again!we had so much fun the other night-just wanted to say thanks for hosting and we need to get together again soon.

Mme. Kara said...

C O N G R A T S !

Shea Smith said...

Glad your holidays were great! I went to five guys in Dallas, and it is so good! I will have to go here. I am so happy your pregnant. I'm sure it is a boy. :) We need to get together soon.