Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Oh baby

I just wanted to write and tell everyone that Andrew has a new love and here it is!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Finally another entry!

Sorry to all who look at my blog and never see anything new. Life is crazy...I know life is crazy for all but I have a problem when I get on to blog its not a quick entry it ends up being two hours because I get so intrigued by everyone else's blog that I can't stop reading. We are doing great! Andrew is finally home from Chicago and he had a very successful summer. I am so proud of his dedication and hard work. It paid off this year! We had a great Halloween, Kami was in love with it.. she said "Mommy Halloween is my favorite holiday." They didn't want to stop trick or treating even when it was raining. Both girls are celebrating their birthdays this week and I cannot believe that Kami is 4 and Genna is 3. Its unreal. Kami is no longer a baby and even though I try to baby her sometimes she is more than capable of doing whatever I ask her to do. She loves to help! When we have another baby she is going to be a HUGE help. Shes a little mommy. Genna is so so sweet. She is Kami's little shadow. They play so well together most times. She loves to snuggle, be held, kissed and hugged. Although I'm a bit at my wits end... she has been potty training and she is doing great with #1 but going #2 is a struggle. With the exception of the last two days she has only gone poop in the potty 4 times in the last month and a half. So if anyone has any good suggestions please let me know!! Other than that we are doing great and super excited for the holidays.